Be Instruments of God’s Children

By Joseph Inbaraj csc

Readings: Acts: 20:30, 23:6-11; Jn: 17:20-26

Readings of the day helped me to reflect upon the theme UNITY. A question which rose within me “Is there unity in the world?” There are many problems in the families, communities, companions, friends, and religious. Such divisions are always destructive.

Often, in times of greatest need, we may find ourselves giving way to the stress and strain by arguing with one another and forgetting what we do. Harsh words break our friendship and we choose to be alone. Sometimes keep moving forward in our lives we may get stuck and make a mess of our lives. It becomes worst when this division occurs because of different ideologies about God.

In the gospel, the prayer of Jesus shows his urgent plea for unity among his disciples and future Christians. Jesus understood that greatest temptation is disunity; and pride, selfishness, and stubbornness are the root causes for disunity.

Let us ask ourselves ‘how do I contribute to unity in my own community and family?’ May the spirit of unity increase and give us the strength to be instruments of God’s children.