Be Inspired by the Holy Spirit

Preet Anupam Beck csc –

Readings: Acts 14: 5-18; Jn 14: 21-26

In the gospel today Jesus clearly says that the sign of loving him is keeping his commandments. When we love Jesus, God will love us and the helper-the Holy Spirit will teach us and guide our way.

Today’s first reading is an example of this Trinitarian relationship that Paul and Barnabas experienced in the country of Lystra. Paul’s love for God made him perform the miracle of healing a cripple. It made people think that Paul and Barnabas are gods. But the Holy Spirit guided the thoughts of Paul and Barnabas. It made them humble as they told people not to offer sacrifices to them. They told them that they only brought the good news and are men like them.

I have experienced the love of God in my life, as I have performed better than my abilities on many occasions. I have received good things that I did not deserve. But often I became proud of my performance and achievements. I did not allow the Holy Spirit to guide and direct my thoughts. I could not keep the Trinitarian relationship with God. The readings of today remind me to be humble when God blesses me beyond my talents. I should not allow my pride to take control over me.

Today I am inspired by the examples of Paul and Barnabas to allow the spirit to direct and guide my thoughts to be humble in my heart.