Be in the Divine Realm

By Ginto K. Paulose, CSC –

Readings: Jas 3:13-18; Mk 9: 14-29

The readings of the day invite me to have “complete trust and faith in the divine”. As a human person, I am weak in many ways. But I must realize that my weaknesses are for the glory of God. As we read in the gospel the boy had the sickness from childhood, my shortcomings and weaknesses can be from childhood.

Humanly speaking it is impossible to overcome certain weaknesses but today Jesus through this incident tells me that I can change myself provided I have faith in my Lord. Jesus urges me that I should be a man of prayer. Prayer is a weapon and this weapon can drive away all the evil spirits which make me lethargic, easy-going, or indifferent to the situation, etc.

St. James writes that jealousy, selfishness, etc. are a result of human or worldly way of thinking. I have to think in the divine realm and this may cause death to self but Jesus who is our Lord and God will hold my hand and raise me to new life.