Be Humble, Serve People, and Depend on God’s Grace

By Philip Raj A csc –

Readings: Is 53: 10 – 11; Heb 4: 14 – 16; Mk 10: 35 – 45

The liturgy of the word invites us to do the will of God in our lives. The question is, what is the will of God and how do I know it?

Firstly, to know the will of God, we must have a loving relationship and personal encounter with God. It could be through our personal or community prayer or by reading the word of God or meditation or any other various ways to strengthen our relationship with God. If we do not know someone, how can we come to know their likes or dislikes? It is our personal encounter with God that makes us realize the will of God through the assistance of Holy Spirit.

At times, we may feel discomfort or uneasiness while acting on the will of God, because it is not as easy as we think. But later we realize that God’s plan was perfect. In the first reading, we see how Prophet Isaiah had to face lot of torment in his life, but he did not give up as he was closely connected with God, which strengthened and motivated him to walk in the way that God directed him.

The second reading sets before us Jesus as the best example whom we can follow because of the way he led his life on earth. Though Jesus is one among the Holy Trinity, he still wanted to do the will of God. When his disciples asked him about who would be sitting on his right and left, Jesus told them that ‘it is the
will of my Father to decide.’ The moment we are involved in doing the deeds of the Lord, we realize it is the Spirit of the Lord, which enables us to do the work of the Lord. This realization helps us to humble ourselves, serve people, and depend on God’s grace.