Be Humble in the Sight of God

Kulandai Albert csc –

Readings: Job 1:6-22; Lk 9:46-50

Today, the liturgy of the word invites us to search for the true greatness which brings us to the reign of God. In the first reading, we are told how Job’s righteousness and faith in God was tested.

Job was faithful to God till the end. He professed his faith in God by saying ‘the Lord gave, and the Lord has taken away, blessed be the name of the Lord’. In the gospel reading, Jesus puts a child before the disciples and demands a childlike character. The virtues of humility and simplicity are emphasized in exercising leadership. According to the world, greatness is described in terms of money, wealth, position, and status. But according to Jesus the true greatness is determined by our ability to humble ourselves and consider others more than we consider ourselves.

Job accepted the suffering that came on his way. He humbled before God. He did not blame God for what had happened to him. He accepted everything and said praised God. Through this Job became great in the sight of God. In our lives too, we tend to run after wealth, money, position, and power. We fail to value the goodness of others. But today Jesus places a child before us and invites us to be humble and simple in our actions and approach towards others. He emphasizes that true greatness lies in the humility of the person. Therefore, let us be humble and great in the sight of God and in his kingdom.