Be Faithful and Grateful to God

Tarsish Marak csc –

Readings: Rev 4:1-11; Lk 19: 11- 28

All of us are gifted with talents and blessings. All are born with the ability to use our God-given talents creatively for the service of God. That is what we see in today’s gospel reading of the parable of minas explain the parable. God has given this life to each of us, nobody owns any share, and God is the investor and master of life. He owns the full share of our life.

Our obligation here on earth is to be responsible from the least to gigantic and use our gift of talents creatively for better functioning of the mission of God. The more we work to be responsible, the more grace we receive. In the same way the more we make use of our opportunities, the more we get the opportunities.

Therefore, Jesus invites me today that I need to be open and share whatever I have with others. I need not hide my talents rather need to be explored more closely with the people as well as the community.

God has given me the potency to bear fruits and yield much. He has blessed me with so many talents and gifts. Therefore, I need to be faithful and grateful to God for making me a responsible person in the community. So today Let my prayer is, Lord helps me to be responsible to use my talents and the opportunities provided to develop my talent more creatively and responsibly.