Be Diligent Stewards of Sacred Spaces

By Santhiya Philomone csc.

Readings: Macc 4: 3-37, 52-59; Lk 19: 45-48

In Maccabees, we witness a profound dedication to the restoration and purification of the temple in Jerusalem. This historical account reflects the human yearning to preserve and cleanse the sacred spaces, highlighting the importance of physical sanctuaries for spiritual connection. The people’ commitment to this restoration mirrors the universal impulse to create spaces that foster a deeper connection with the divine.

In the gospel passage, we witness Jesus cleansing the temple of Jerusalem. His actions indicate that sacred spaces should not be commercialized or misused. Instead, they are meant for prayer and encountering the divine. This narrative calls us to revere the sanctity of places of worship and to maintain the spiritual ambience.

We are encouraged to say no to commercialism and secularism in the places of spiritual activities. All the activities which are held in the places of worship must lead to prayer and communion with God. The readings of the day urge us to be diligent stewards of the sacred spaces, recognizing their role in our spiritual well-being.