Be Blessed with His Spirit

Tarsish Marak csc –

Readings: Mic 2:1-5; Mt 12:14-21

Today the Gospel reading invites us to reflect on Christ’s mission. It was perilous for Jesus to do his mission because the Jewish leaders did not understand well the law of Sabbath. The Gospel says, “the Pharisees went out and conspired against Jesus, to kill him.” According to Pharisees Jesus was violating the law of Sabbath.

However, they failed to realize that service to people is service to God. Jesus’ mission was beyond people’s expectations; he crossed the border to fulfill the demands of his Father and wellbeing of his people.

But Pharisees remained faithful to the letter of the law which does not help and fulfill the needs of the people. When I reflected on this passage, I felt that I am like a Pharisee on different occasions.

For example, Sundays and holidays I spend time without doing anything. I was not ready to sacrifice my time for the needs of the community and people around. When someone comes and asks me to do work on these days I strongly refused to go and help.

But today Jesus reminds me that I need to come out from my selfcenteredness to other-centeredness and extend my help which would bring joy to the community and fulfill the needs of the people.

Jesus healed the sick and fed the hungry. These acts of reaching out to the people need to be cultivated in my life. I pray to God that I may be blessed with his spirit of commitment, understanding and zeal for the mission of God for his people.