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Be an Example to Others

By Eldho Augustine, CSC –

Readings: Is 60:1-6; Eph 3:2-3, 5-6; Mt 2: 1-12

Today we celebrate the feast of the Epiphany which means ‘the manifestation’. It is the feast of the manifestation of ‘who Jesus is’. The little child who has born in the manger is the king expected by all nations. He is God himself. He is a God who became human in order to dwell with the human.

The readings of the day project Jesus as the light of the world. God has sent him to remove the darkness of the world. What is the ‘darkness’ of this world? It can be ignorance of Christ, poverty, violence against children and women, sowing the shadows of fundamentalism when people lose their peace and discrimination based on caste, colour and creed. As a follower of Christ, I am called to be the ‘light’:- to those who are oppressed, the suffering, and the hopeless and to be their voice.

Am I ready to face rejection from the people who are around me while spreading the ‘light’? And am I bound by the law and authority in spreading the ‘light’ of hope, love, joy, care, concern and peace? Or do I stand neutral when darkness prevails around me? Am I daring enough to be the light by burning myself for others for the sake of Christ who has called me?