Be a Part of Jesus’ Plan on Earth

By Roshan Minin D’Souza csc –

Readings: 2Pet 3:12-15a; Mk 12:13-17

The gospel of the day invites us to be loyal to the rules and regulations, no matter what status or power we have. Jesus, even though he was trapped ‘with regard to the question of paying tax,’ he could easily escape with his prudence and wisdom. Jesus’ concluding words make us understand that we are called to know the expectations of God and to give him his due respect.

Responding to the readings in practice, we know the present situation of people who are in despair and find difficult to manage even a daily meal. And amidst these crises the payment of taxes and other payments worsen the situation.

At this juncture we are called to help the needy and make them feel of our companionship and support. This situation is an opportunity for us to lend a helping hand to these people and thus to be part of Jesus’s mission on earth.