Be a Follower of Christ

By Pravin S, CSC-

Readings: Joel 1: 13-15, 2: 1-2; Lk 11: 15-26

There has always been corruption whether it is open door or shut door, whether it is under the table or above the table. There was no time of clean thinking. Life becomes insecure to live day by day. Anything and everything is about money. There is no room for others or God. It is always about ‘me’ and ‘myself’.

As religious or seminarians, we live with certain respect and prominence in society. The life outside is always hard and difficult. This is what we find in the Gospel reading. Jesus has always been good to others; he never asked money or gold for healing and casting out demons. Some people did not even acknowledge his good works. They did not thank Jesus for the help that they sought from him.

The gospel reading also tells us that we need to find good in others than finding fault with them. Jesus did good things for the people, but they took it negatively and were not ready to accept the good in Jesus. It reminds us to be grateful to anyone through whom we receive help from God. Let us try to find good in others than finding fault with them. We have to learn to appreciate and acknowledge the positive traits in others.

The first reading is very much connected with the Gospel reading. To find good in others and remain grateful to them, we need a tool: prayer. When we pray to God we get grace from him. The grace of God will help us to imitate his virtues which include all those good attitudes to praise others. It is an invitation for us to live our life according to the plan of God by which God will be pleased with our good conduct and attitudes. So the readings invite us to pray every day to become good follower of Christ.