Authenticity Verses Hypocrisy

By Fr Trevor D’Souza, OFM –

Someone once said, that 99% of us would be willing to admit that we are hypocrites or live with some form of hypocrisy in our lives. The 1% who do not admit or unwilling to admit it are liars !!!

Deep down within us we all yearn to live authentic lives.

Hypocrisy is the art of living life on a double standard, one proclaimed, another lived; one for others, another for me. According to Strong’s Lexicon, a hypocrite (root meaning) is a pretender, an actor, a stage player; preaches one thing, does another.

Jesus reserved this choice word for the religious leaders of his days.

In the above passage, Jesus also gives us how to move from hypocrisy to authenticity. Three examples: alms giving; praying and fasting.

Hypocrisy is when these acts are done to be seen by people, done for admiration and praise, done not so much for building one’s relationship with God, but for show.

Authenticity is the opposite, when a person does these acts with an intention of building a deep love relationship with God, expressed in love for neighbor. No showbiz, no advertisements, no seeking for recognition and acclaim, no seeking for rewards, not even seeking for a gratitude, not even a thank you in return.

What is the place of public acts of charity, community fast and prayer?

Public prayer, charity and fasting also has its elements of hypocrisy. Look around, in public transport, on the Youtube and social media, etc. to see what is happening and evaluate for oneself.

The difference becomes clear from the attitude and result of the person/s doing the actions. What is the attitude with which I do prayer, charity and fasting? Is it to sustain and deepen my relationship with God and neighbor or for showbiz? What has been the result of my prayer, charity and fasting, has it helped me to become a better human being, develop better human qualities?
Recently I read a beautiful quote: meditation and prayer are important, but how we treat others after we pray is more important !!!

Our life striving should be to move away from hypocrisy toward authenticity.