Ask the Lord to help Fight Against Injustice

By William Selvaraj csc

Readings: Acts 20: 28-38; Jn 17: 11 – 19

In the first reading of the day, St. Paul addresses the leaders of the Church of Ephesus, saying “Be on your guard for yourself and for all the flock of people who are entrusted to your care by the Holy Spirit.”As Jesus had a petition for his disciples, St Paul also had a petition for his followers to be united against the time of manipulation and untruth.

In the Gospel reading Jesus prays for his disciples that they may be united as one group and protected from the evil one and be loyal to the truth and the word of God. He reminds each of us to be aware of the evil around us that delights in pulling each of us to his side, give all kinds of conflicts and division among the people, make each one’s heart to crave for the things of the world, and keeps each of us from knowing the truth about God.

Jesus the mighty saviour had a petition for his disciples. We as sinners, what petition do we have to the person of Jesus? To acquire the things of this perishable world or the word of eternal life? We live in a world where all kinds of temptations and desires take birth in us.To live in union is itself a great challenge to each of us.

So, let us ask the Lord for unity among all Christians to fight against injustice, disharmony and all kinds of atrocities.