Ask The Lord to Fortify us With a Strong Will

By Preet Anupam Beck csc

Readings: 2 Mac 6: 18-31; Lk 19: 1-10

When we go for the Sacrament of reconciliation, three things happen to us. With our ‘memory’, we recollect our actions and behaviours; with our ‘intellect’, we analyse the goodness and wickedness of others, and with our ‘will’, we resolve not to repeat the bad actions. These aspects
can be found in Zacchaeus in the gospel today. While serving Jesus at his house, he recollects, analyses and takes a firm decision to do good in the future.

In our life, we are good at recalling our behaviours and analysing them whether they are good or bad. In doing this, we are aware of what we should do to live a holy life according to Lord’s desire. We basically lack the third part which is to act according to our will. We become weak
and yield to our temptations and so, our will surrenders to them. That is why we repeat the same actions even after having confessed and resolved not to repeat them.

Eleazar is an example for us today. Though he was tempted and threatened, he never let his will surrender. He was firm not to disobey the Lord’s command. This eventually led him to death. But his fortitude became an inspiration for the whole nation. So, let us ask the Lord to fortify us with a strong will to at least not repeat our sins.