Ask the God of Light to Shine on Us

By Nirmal Kumar csc –

Readings: 2 Sam 7: 18-19, 24-29; Mk 4: 21-25

In the First Reading David invites us to pray, not only for ourselves but also for others. Many times we pray only for ourselves and for our needs but we forget to pray for our neighbor and our community members. David shows us how to pray and to be a light.

In the Gospel Reading Jesus asks a question “Do you bring in a lamp to put it under a bowl or a bed? Instead, don’t you put it on its stand?” It means the lamp is brought out not to keep it hidden. We are chosen to show the light to the world and to be the light to the world.

But often we show the light only to a limited set of people; it’s the weakness of the flesh. Gradually we forget to be the light to others, and the light becomes dimmer. In order to increase our light let us ask the God of light that “our light may shine for all to see”.