Ask Jesus to Teach Us His Ways

By Kulandai Albert csc –

Readings: Is 49:1-6; Jn 13:21-33,36-38

Today’s liturgy of the word invites us to reflect over the theme “Live as we Preach”. The first reading is about the mission of a servant of God. God assures that he will be a constant support in
the mission. In the gospel reading, Jesus foretells his betrayal and Peter’s denial. Jesus was noticeably clear about his mission, i.e., his mission is to feel with the people whom he ministered. He lived a life by feeling the suffering and struggles of the people who were sick, blind, sinners, and so on. He taught and showed the disciples how to live an exemplary life.

In our lives, in one way or the other, we are like teachers for others. For example, I may teach people about being humble in both attitude and behaviour but in real life I find it hard to be humble in these two respects. Peter, in the gospel, boasted that he would lay down his life for Jesus. But Jesus challenged him and predicted correctly that he would deny him three times before the next morning.

In the same way, Jesus challenges me to live my life by what I teach. It is true that most of the time, I fail to live by my word because of the circumstances, fear of others, and my weak inner dispositions and so on. Through the first reading, God assures that people who live by his word will receive his constant support. Therefore, let us pray that Jesus may teach us the way and give us the will to follow him till our end.