Ask Jesus to Strengthen Your Faith

Newton Basumatari csc –

Readings: Dan 3: 14-20, 24/91-25/92,28/95; Jn 8: 31-42

Faith is a free supernatural gift of God. It is not believing in some doctrine but in a person. It is to be connected with God which enables us to strengthen our personal relationship with Him. Today both the readings invite us to have strong faith in God that he may free us from the slavery of sin.

In the first reading, we hear how God protected those who had faith in him from a fiery furnace, which convinced Nebuchadnezzar that their God is the true God. And in the gospel
reading, we hear Jesus inviting his disciples to remain connected with him to know the truth, which sets us free. Jesus’ admonition that the Jews have yet to acquire truth and freedom touches a sensitive nerve and provokes a reaction. That is why they connect themselves to the offspring of Abraham who have never been enslaved to anyone. But they have been enslaved to sin.

In our life too we could be the slave of our own pride and ego, slave of our own qualifications, and of our own bad habits. Today let us remember and offer to our Lord Jesus one thing that we find difficult to give up in our life, and ask Jesus to strengthen our faith.