Ask Jesus to Deepen Our Faith

By William Selvaraj, CSC –

Readings: Wis 2:1, 12-22; Jn 7: 1-2, 10, 25-30

St. John of Egypt lived in the desert, praying and meditating and as a spiritual director. Due to his holiness and gifts of wisdom, prophecy, healing, and discernment, he was chosen advisor to emperor Theodosius and admired by St. Jerome and others.

First reading of the day tells us that a person with evil mindset will always think crooked and in evil ways to put down the righteous man and a righteous man with the fear of God opposes evil ways of life. Evil person wants to test the righteous with torture, cruelty and test his gentleness and patience and condemn the person to shameful death. That is what happened to the holy and righteous man Jesus.

Gospel passage of the day clearly tells us that “they would have arrested him, but no one laid hands on him because his time had not yet come.” We all have faced painful situations in life. It is not very easy to accept undeserved humiliation or rejection as Jesus went through. Jesus never lost heart when he faced misunderstanding or rejection. He said “I know my father because I am from him.” He was convinced of his Father’s abiding presence with him always.

Jesus is in full control of his life on the earth. He lays down his life when he wants and takes it up again as the Father wills. The exact time and hour are willed by his Father whom no one else knows. Jesus speaks openly and freely because he speaks the truth. When you and I speak the truth we invite hostility but we experience freedom and fearlessness. We know about Jesus well but still we are unclear about his identity and raise many irrational questions to ourselves due to lack of faith. So, let us be truthful in recognizing the righteousness in the person of Jesus ask him to deepen our faith.