Allow God’s Words Into Our Lives

By Jacob Perikala csc –

Readings: Ezek 2: 8-3; Mt 18:1-5, 10, 12-14

In the first reading, God is shown as the merciful Father who never abandons his children at any point of time in their life.

In the gospel reading, Jesus gives us an insight that we are all equal in the sight of God. In the present world, we discriminate based
on race, caste, or color for our selfish motives and create categories of inferior and superior human beings. We respect positions, rather than people. Millions of poor in the world fail to get dignity in society due to their poverty, but are precious in the sight of God.

Jesus tells us that we are all equal like the 100 sheep; we need to respect our fellow beings by treating them with dignity and honor. As a child does not distinguish between good and bad people, we too are called to do same by letting our ego out and letting God’s words into our lives.