Allow God’s Spirit to Work in Us

By Philip Raj csc –

Readings: Gen 44:18-21, 23-29, 45: 1-5; Mt 10: 7-15

The readings of today remind us to trust in God at all moments of our lives. It is going to be a tough and challenging task unless we ask the Holy Spirit to guide our way. In the first reading, we see how Joseph was mistreated by his own brothers, but Joseph never lost hope in God. His faith and strong conviction in God made wonders to happen in his life. Though his brothers tried to take away his life, God made use of him to save the lives of his brothers.

In the Gospel reading, Jesus instructed his disciples about what they needed to do in their mission. Some of the instructions of Jesus were hard for the disciples to follow and made them feel insecure, yet they followed. Jesus wanted his disciples to depend on God to do their mission, not on their own abilities.

The moment we trust in God to do our daily tasks, God gives us the strength to do things in a better way. The moment we ignore and neglect God’s intervention in our lives, we may be able to only do the little things that are possible to do by our own capabilities. We need to allow God’s spirit to work in us, so that God can make use of us for his greater glory.