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Allow God’s Priorities to Work in Us

Santhiya Philomone csc –

Readings: Hag 1: 1-8; Lk 9: 7-9

Today’s readings encourage us to re-evaluate our choices, motives, and the way we respond to the world around us.

In the first readings, Haggai resonates with a call to assess our priorities. Haggai urges us with the question, “Are we investing in our own pursuits while neglecting what matters to God?” is directed to us. In the busyness of life, it’s easy to get caught up in our own plans and desires, sometimes forgetting to prioritize God’s work and His kingdom. This reading calls us to take a closer look at where our time and energy are going and to focus on.

In today’s Gospel, Herod’s curiosity about Jesus reminds his recognition and the world’s approval. We see a reflection of ourselves in Herod’s desire for attention and acknowledgment.

In a culture that often glorifies fame and popularity, it’s challenging us not to seek validation from the world. The reading urges us to ask ourselves if the pursuit of recognition aligns with God’s purpose for our lives. Does our desire for attention overshadow our commitment in understanding and following His will? We recognize the tension between our own aspirations and God’s call.

We are reminded of moments when we have focused on personal comfort and fleeting recognition instead of investing in God’s work and aligning with His plan. Haggai’s words gently challenge us to rebuild the areas of our lives that we might have neglected in pursuit of our own interests. We need to be ready to allow God’s priorities to work and shape our decisions.