Allow God to Work in Us

By Martin MM, CSC –

Readings: Acts 11:1-18; Jn 10:11-18

As I was reading today’s scriptures I was inspired by the leadership of St. Peter who took brave steps to change the mentality of the people. He helped them to accept that there is no partiality in receiving God’s grace because giving grace and blessing is not at the hands of people but God.

Going out from Jerusalem to coastal Caesarea to tend Christ’s flock, St. Peter found himself addressing a gentile household. He discovered that their baptism was not their first time to receive the Holy Spirit, for he saw that they were already clearly guided by the Spirit. He could not refuse baptism to people when he recognized them as chosen by God. So without hesitating, he baptized them.

Jesus in the Gospel projects himself as good shepherd and gives assurance about his love for all who listen to his voice and act upon it. Jesus the Shepherd knows each of us by name, calls each one by a voice which reaches into the depths of our soul. It is true that a life-changing decision, whether for the group or for the individual, will be in continuity with our past. But it should be in union with the one who promises a deeper life and calls us by our name.

As we are in times of covid-19 pandemic, may the Spirit intervene miraculously and lead our pope and bishops to new decisions that are needed, like Peter in the early days. Let us pray to be the channels of grace, like Peter. We have two major roles to play in each other’s lives: there is a time to be the shepherd to another and a time to be the gate, to leave room for God to work in us.