Allow God to Take Deep Root in Your Heart

Santhiya Philomone csc –

Readings: Jer 18: 1-6; Mt 13: 47-53

The kingdom of heaven is like a net that was thrown into the sea and caught fish of every kind (Mt 13: 47).

This parable relates well with our life experiences. We often judge people as good and bad We tend to associate only with good people and the bad ones are left out. We do not realize that our life without them will probably be empty. In this context, Jesus is trying to jolt us into awareness that the decisions we make day by day are important.

His overall concern is that we should always love one another; this is what shapes our eternity. We are meant to be constantly growing in love for others than living for ourselves.

That is the goal of our Christian life. Our joy at the end will be to see how we have helped others to become as God wants them to be. We must live for the Kingdom of God by being the carriers of the Good News to everyone we encounter. We do that by loving one another as Jesus loves us.

Today, let our prayer be, ‘Lord God, may your word take deep root in my heart and transform how I think, discern, and act. May I be a person who brings God’s love and joy alive and active in my daily life.’