Accept Failure with Humility

By Jacob Perikala csc –

Readings: 1 Cor 9:16-19, 22-27; Lk 6: 39-42

The readings speak about the qualities of disciples of Jesus and guidelines to live a praiseworthy life. Everyone seems to want to be greater than the other and wants to be popular. We act in front of people as if we know everything, and boast of our qualities, greatness, achievements etc., but we fail to be humble due to our ego and other human limitations.

Today, Jesus wants us to be humble like him as Phil 2: 6 says “who, though he was in the form of God, did not regard equality with God as something to be exploited.” How much should we be humble as his disciples and surrender ourselves to the providential care?

Jesus said that those who are humble will be exalted. As Christians we must teach the gospel values by our very life which is louder than words. If we accept our failure with humility and love, we can teach many gospel values to the people around us. Jesus gave us a message that if we want to be great in the society, we must be the servants of all.