A Chance to Repent and Turn to Him

By A Joseph Inbaraj, CSC –

Readings: 1Thes 2:9-13; Mt 23:27-32

The readings of the day invite me to think differently. In today’s gospel reading Jesus addresses the scribes and Pharisees in a harsh manner. I take it as a direct personal response from our Lord because, like the Pharisees, I tend to think that I know everything.

Specially being a religious, my pride raises its head and sometimes I forget how to be humble. In the gospel reading Jesus challenges the scribes and Pharisees to think differently about how they should live. They have studied the rules and regulations of the law, but they are not ready to listen to Jesus who is the new law giver. And they show that they are the greatest persons.

Jesus comes forward to help them to have clear idea about the usage of law. Jesus challenges me, to look at my inner self, whether am I hiding myself from others. Sometimes I too live like Pharisees conceited on the surface of my life and enjoying external grades.

But it has no real meaning. I don’t see how my way of life has its impact on others. I live my life in an unrealistic way, doing my own things and most often I close my eyes to the needs of my friends by saying I have no time. But through this gospel Jesus gives me one more chance to repent and turn to him.