Proclaim to All About the Lord, Our God and Savior

Eldho Augustine csc –

Readings: Wis 2:1a,12-22; Jn 7:1-2,10,25-30

In our first reading today, we hear the story of the time when St. Stephen, one of the seven first deacons of the Church, was confronted by the opponents of the Church. The Sanhedrin and all those who arrested the Apostles tried a lot to suppress the rapidly spreading Christian teachings and faith. And to do that, they even chose to employ false witnesses and other methods to try to persecute the disciples of the Lord like St. Stephen.

In our Gospel passage today, we hear of the interactions between the Lord Jesus and the multitudes of people who had followed him and tried to follow him wherever he went. They followed the Lord and he pointed out that they followed him because of their desire to be satisfied and fulfilled, by the amazing miracles that he performed, particularly that of the miraculous feeding of the five thousand men.

The Lord knew that in the hearts and minds of those people, there were still doubts and lacking in genuine faith. He wanted to convince and persuade them to truly believe in him and his truth, and not just superficially showing their faith.

This reminds all of us of the very important mission that God has entrusted to us as Christians, that each and every one of us ought to proclaim the Lord, our God and Savior, his love and compassionate mercy to everyone we encounter in our life. We are all called to be the ministers of God, following in the footsteps of St. Stephen, the Apostles and the many other saints and martyrs, all those who have devoted their time and life, who have often suffered for the sake of the Lord, His Church and His people. We are all called to continue their efforts and works in our own ways.

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