Deepen My Relationship with God

Santhiya Philomone csc –

Readings: Acts 12: 24 – 13: 5; Jn 12: 44-50

In the first reading, we witness that the early church was directed by the power of the Holy Spirit. Despite facing persecution and challenges, the apostles remain steadfast in their mission, preaching the word of God fearlessly. As they pray and fast, the Holy Spirit guides them in discerning the next steps in spreading the gospel.

The reading reminds me of the importance of relying on the Holy Spirit in my life and faith journey. Just as the early Christians sought guidance through prayer and fasting, I am called to cultivate a deep relationship with God through spiritual practices. By opening my heart to the promptings of the Holy Spirit, I can discern God’s will for me and boldly proclaim the Gospel in my daily life.

In the Gospel, Jesus speaks with authority, declaring that He is the light of the world and the one who brings eternal life. He emphasizes the importance of listening to his words and following his teachings, for they come directly from the Father. Jesus warns against rejecting him, for his words will serve as the standard by which all will be judged on the last day. The Gospel challenges me to reflect on how I receive and respond to the teachings of Jesus. Am I truly listening to his words and allowing them to shape my beliefs and actions? Do I recognize Jesus as the light of the world, illuminating my path and guiding me towards eternal life?

The readings of the day invite me to deepen my relationship with God, to trust in the guidance of the Holy Spirit, and wholeheartedly embrace the teachings of Jesus. As I strive to follow in the footsteps of the early Christians, may I be empowered by the Holy Spirit to boldly proclaim the gospel and bear witness to the light of Christ in the world.

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